Thursday, March 6, 2008

Going Home

It is truly hard to believe that my seven weeks in Europe are over and that I am heading home. I have loved every minute of the trip even when I haven’t. Just two weeks ago I would have been devastated about having to leave, but now I feel as I did after my divine body treatment at the Kan Spa in Avignon – satiated.
Part of this trip has been about observing and assimilating the European portion size in all things – coffee, food, car size, etc – and feeling satisfied. Another has been about being present, in the moment, and appreciating that what looks like an inconvenience in one minute, often turns out to be a blessing. Yet another piece I love about traveling is the spontaneous connections and help you find around the world. A man helped me on with my very heavy back pack this morning at the Paris Gare-train station; in London a fellow photographer noticed me struggling for a night shot and lent me his tripod; in Barcelona I had a brief but lovely conversation about world travel with a young Cuban heading to Italy and Greece while I was headed to Switzerland; a breastfeeding mother from Wales and I discussed the marvels of the new mega Whole Foods store in Kensington, London; sharing an overnight train bunk with a Swiss woman, I learned she runs a bio bed and breakfast outside Basel - she spoke only German but we managed to ascertain through our broken bits of each other’s languages and a good sense of charades that we were “Zwei Bio Frau/Two organic women” ☺. Countless other delightful encounters filled my travels and are part of what makes travel so magical.
Now as I head home, heart and soul filled with my experiences, the scents, sounds, tastes and generosity of strangers as well as old friends, my body stronger than it has felt in years, I feel whole, without wanting, without lacking. It is as it should be. Ciao, Auf viedersen, Adios, Hasta luega, Au Revoir, Cheers, and Bon voyage!

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