If you live in Vermont or are visiting for the summer, you can find farmer’s markets and locally produced food throughout the state. The Vermont Agriculture Department has a searchable map on their web site to help you locate farmer’s markets, farm stands, pick-your-own farms, CSA farms, apples, and other Vermont specialty products. See http://www.vermontagriculture.com/buylocal/buy/farmstands_map.html.
At the Web site for the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA VT), http://www.nofavt.org, you can search for organic farms by county or by product. And at the Local Banquet Magazine Web site, you can explore their excellent Links page for a comprehensive list of localvore-local foods Web sites - http://www.localbanquet.com/links.html.
If you are particularly looking for local beer and wine, there are microbreweries and wineries around the state. The Vermont Brewer’s Association has a handy map and list of the local breweries, wineries, and cider houses, see http://www.vermontbrewers.com/tours.html.
If you happen to be driving to Vermont from the south, you can stop in Greenfield, Massachusetts to enjoy The People’s Pint Restaurant & Brewery, open everyday from 4:00pm, committed to serving local food and their own beer since 1997 – check it out on the web at: http://www.thepeoplespint.com.
Happy delicious local eating!